The Idan Raichel Project – Within My Walls

Todas las Palabras (All the Words)
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Supongo que tú y yo nos encontraremos que/ talvez ni nos demos cuenta/ tal vez suceda sin prisa y sin viento en algún lugar de ayer/ Presiento que tú y yo nos encontraremos y/ tal vez nos parezca extraño/ con la ilusión sin prisa y sin voz, sin pasos que recorrer/ Todas las canciones, todas las palabras vienen y bailan/ con el sonido que hace el viento cuando se acerca a tu boca y tu piel/ mírame un instante, toca este silencio que ya se apaga/ y abraza el aire que se vuelve cielo dentro de tu aliento y mi sed/ es el aire el que se vuelve cielo dentro de mi sed/ Supongo que tú y yo nos encontraremos que/ talvez ni nos demos cuenta/ tal vez suceda de prisa y con viento en algún nuevo lugar/ Presiento que tú y yo nos encontraremos y/ tal vez nos parezca extraño/ con la ilusión sin prisa y sin voz, con sueños por empezar
Bein Kirot Beiti (Within My Walls)
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Here within my walls/ Everything is shut/ And no one will intrude/ Faced with my silent walls, not a whisper will enter/ Within the borders of my home no obstacle lies/ Within the room’s many paths/ No sun will burn/ And no shadow will dim/ And no storm will gush/ And no rain will wash/ And no small opening will frighten/ And not a thing can burn my walls/ For everything is protected from any menace at the gate/ Within my walls/ There is no one who will leave/ Here within my walls/ Silence lurks/ Grey and comforting/ Against the threatening street is a drawn curtain and candlelight/ Here within my walls there is a memory/ A letter under the door/ And not a voice to cry/ And not a soul to answer/ And no pain will remain/ For my walls are a comforting white/ And there are no stains of blood or bruises/ Or tears of the heart/ Of course all is foretold/ You know/ Within the walls/ No flower will wilt before its time
She'eriot Shel Ha'Chaim (Scraps of Life)
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What is time telling me/ It’s all scraps of life/ And to live the moment/ To begin collecting the shards/ Maybe I will get out more/ Start to speed up a bit/ Start to get along/ And make some noise/ Maybe a different place/ A more exciting place/ Start to shake things up/ And make them right again
Mai Nahar (River Waters)
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Flowing waters of the river/ See/ These are the days of your life/ The waters of your life/ Washed in the current / That begins with the first rain/ Flowing water of the river/ See/ These are the streams of water/ That will reach an anguished desert/ With the falling silence/ Even if I drink the entire ocean/ It will not quench my thirst/ For another day close to you/ For another day in your arms/ Even if I sit under the sun/ Her rays will not burn me/ As my heart burns in the flames of your love
Chalomot Shel Acherim (Other People's Dreams)
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For years everyone runs away/ For years everyone returns/ Chasing after the sun/ Trapped within circles/ Everyone is complicated/ So what are you still dreaming for/ For years they are hiding something/ For years everyone knows/ A stone overturns/ Throughout the days and nights/ Everyone is talking/ Why are you still here/ It’s better to run to the flames/ Demand/ Not ask/ What are you afraid of/ Don’t think twice when he says/ There is no better time/ Bring on the day/ For years they are asking/ For years they are not listening/ Keeping everything inside/ It gathers and strengthens/ And finally exhausts/ What are you talking about/ Turns out you’re always silent/ But inside everything is burning on fire/ All the words that vanished/ You will find them in other people’s dreams/ For years they open up/ And remain shut/ Grasp the wind/ Every disaster on the heals of another/ One announced/ As another is told/ Returning to the open wound
Ôdjus Fitxadu (With My Eyes Shut)
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Ôji ta djôbi pa seu/ Kêl ki-m ôdja foi strelas/ ta fla-m m-o bai p-o ka bem màs, krêtxeu/ Pidi anjus di Deus/ Pa bem buska un mudjêr/ ki ka krê lêba sê vida sêm bu amor/ bu amor… /Rainha na disampàru/ ‘N sta djôbi kaminhu/ ku spada y forsa di sodadi y dor/ Ku alma livri na tempu/ ‘N krê vivi ku ôdjus fitxadu/ pa-m têne-u djuntu ku mi/ ku mi…
Shev (Stay)
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Stay/ We will try to get used to each other/ We will try to trust/ One more time/ We will try to begin again/ Stay/ Breathe the air in/ Open your eyes/ Find the point again/ Give me your hand/ Let me stay with you/ Come/ Come to me/ Come home/ Come/ So I won’t be alone/ Come back to me and don’t be afraid
Rov Ha'Sha'ot (Most of the Hours)
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Most of the hours that remained/ Were filled with love/ For most of the days that escaped us/ She was with me and I was with her/ In most of the songs that filled the room/ I was a raging storm/ And what is left at the end from the break/ For most of the time is the silence/ In most of the escapes and bursts of anger/ I remember a frigid wind/ In most of the winds and storms/ At days end she returned/ In most of the songs still remember her face/ Touching not touching/ And a tear of silence/ Through most of the tears the room’s reflection/ As if commanding her life to end in bed/ There are days left/ And they are many and they are hers/ And there are hours that are filled entirely with her scent/ And most of the time she remained/ And when she wasn’t weeping/ One way or another/ I remain hers
Min Nhar Li Mshiti (From the Day You Left)
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يا ممّا علاش مشيتي/ إنت عمري و حياتي/ دموع عيني فيك يا ممّا/ قريتني و تعدبتي في/ إنت خيالك يا نور عيني/ المّيما إنت الحنينة/ المّيما إنت العزيزة/ غير إنت يا ضو عيني/ شحال جريتي و خممتي في/ توحشت خيالك يا نور عيني/ يا ممّا ضو عيني/إنت مشيتي و خليتني/ يا ممّا/ كيفاش خليتني بلاش/ ونموت بلهموم منهار و الليالي/ أنا و أنا اللي بكيتي علي/ طول عمري مننسك يا غزالي/ فين إنت المّيما/ فين كنتي الحبيبا/ أنا يتيم منهار اللي مشيتي/ أو العديان عملوها بي/ هيل مولانا يفرج عل
Cada Día (Every Day)
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Cada día alguien me habla de tí/ intentando sacar el dolor de mi alma/ Cada día alquien me habla de tí/ intentando explicarme que ya no volverás/ Pero de noche cuando ya no hay luz/ cuando todos se van/ tú caminas despacio/ entre mis sueños estás/ no eres solo un recuerdo/ yo te siento tan cerca que pareces real/ y después te vas/ cuando yo despierte tú ausencia vendrá/ Cada día alguien habla de tí/ y me dice que el tiempo es una rueda girando/ cada día yo podría subir/ después de tocar fondo si girara también
Hakol Over (This Too Shall Pass)
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I was already so far away from you/ And no words remained for us to speak/ And the wind swept away a lone sail/ And made it lonelier still/ Awake from every dream and every whisper/ This too shall pass/ All that was once and was forgotten/ Today will not return/ It is every wrinkle carved deep into the skin/ That today burns deeper still/ For there is no way back/ And this too shall pass/ Every day follows another and night follows night/ And as long as nothing changes on this earth/ It is good we stayed together/ And that we have someone with whom to share/ Despite everything there is no way back/ And this too shall pass/ Every wound that healed and reopened/ Today burns even more/ It ends and restores itself/ And again it all bursts forward even stronger/ Now it does not fall apart and crack/ And this too shall pass/ Do you remember how we once were/ Facing the strengthening wind/ And after all the bad years/ Many better years came to pass/ Our time rushes forward continuously/ And never stops
Nin'al Be'Mabato (Locked in His Gaze)
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A man withdraws into his world/ Despite all the signs telling/ Come to the door/ Tomorrow has arrived/ Get up and go out to the sun light/ To the open spaces/ His gaze is locked/ Even though she whispers in his ears/ Words/ Spells that she knows/ Things he no longer does/ He doesn’t feel how the moon brightens his window/ A man is thrown into his loneliness/ Until he is struck deep within/ And his entire life follows a winding path/ From his first day to his last/ A man dives within his inner depths/ Until his life is within his walls/ From suffocating air to the blowing wind/ And his song/ Is the fire of his heart and flame of his life
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Pekeyake na kusikia kwa mwezi/ Yatima alilia ndani kivuli/
Pekeyake na kusikia kwa mwezi/ Maisha anasali kuopolewa/
Amezungukazunguka mbali sana/ Sasa hajui barabara ya kwake/
Dunia inajua hadithi yake/ Lakini nani ajua jina lake?
Mwezi, ukipo/ Urudi ili atafarijiwa/ Mwezi, ukipo/
Urudi ili aweza kulala/ Mwezi, ukipo/ Urudi ili atafarijiwa/
Mwezi, ukipo/ Naomba kwa maisha/ Urudi kwa maisha